Friday, January 1, 2010

How do I NOT qualify?

If you've ever thumbed through an issue of Runner's World
you've probably come across an advertisement for
Pearl Izumi running shoes.  The premise of their ad campaign
is based upon separating
the "real runners" from the rest of the "pack".

One of their advertisements is about how to tell if you are
a runner or a jogger.  The long litany of examples of
"non-runners" includes this description:

"...if your workout is conducted at the helm of
some tricked out baby jogger..."

Um, excuse me?

Now, don't get me wrong,  I don't consider myself some super athlete.
I admire Ryan Hall and Denna Kastor.
I know I could never even think of making a living running.

But would someone please explain to me how

pushing my double running stroller

up a 9% grade

in the pouring rain

whilst maintaining a respectable 7:45/mile pace

somehow disqualifies me from the ranks of being

"a runner"?


  1. You should write to them and tell them that...because that is sort of offensive to say that you aren't considered a real runner because of that! If anything, it makes you way more hardcore! I'm impressed!

  2. You definitely need to write Runners World! You are a runner, girl!
