Thursday, January 7, 2010

I just can't freaking run.

Hubby was working half days during the holidays.  This meant that I had the freedom to go to the gym and ride the stationary bike or go to the pool and swim to my heart's content.

He's back to full days now, and by full days I mean 12 lunch...I kiss him as he leaves for the day and when he comes home.

Running's pretty much outta the question.  I have every intention of getting in to be seen by a doctor, but that might take a while.   I can walk, bike, swim, do yoga, Stairmaster and elliptical.  I just can't freaking run.

So, here's my plea to you.  Any ideas on how to workout effectively whilst taking two kids, weather and this bum leg into account?  Remember, there are no bad ideas when you are brainstorming.  I thank you in advance for any input you may have!


  1. Take them to your wellness center - I don't know what you have out there. Put them in daycare while you swim - there's no stress on the bones and joints that way. But, you're still exercising. Also, there are lots of really good workout videos coming out. I don't know if you can look it up but Good Morning America had a bunch of really good, really fast (but in a good way!) videos that catered to all that aired on Jan. 1. You might be able to find their recommendations if you search (I think). Also, yoga and pilates are supposed to help relieve some kinds of injuries - but check with your yogi for more info. :) I don't know if that helps. Walking is also what we as humans are made to do. Robert Sweetgall wrote a book after he had to 'save' his legs when he was doing marathons and ultra-marathons. He then decided to walk across the USA - to every state - and chronicled all the changes his body was going through. He put all the data in his book and his doctors were amazed at what his body was doing while he was walking. Ever since I read that, I've never wanted to run again (I encounter shin spints and too many other problems while trying to run).

    Maybe something will work! :)

  2. I really want to find a good work out dvd and a good yoga one.
    I've thought about doing yoga on AFN at 5 but I'm not sure I will get up that early.

    I know you know this- but don't work too hard with a hurt leg. Your body will favor it. Your form will change and you will have to work harder to keep your muscle strength the same.
