Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Update-7 months later

It's been over seven months since I wrote on this blog.  Why?  Well, I did move thousands of miles.  I did go on some great summer vacations.  Colorado, Montana, South Dakota (twice).  I did receive a shipment of household goods that were covered in mold.

But the real reason  haven't been writing...I met someone.  Yeah, he's a doctor in Washington.

More specifically a Physical Therapist that gave me back my one, true source of stress release.

I haven't been writing because I've been running.  A LOT.  I signed up for the Imogene Pass Run in June.  I didn't bite off more than I can chew, but I did bite off A LOT.  A big, honking piece of three hour long runs-in the rain-over boulders and mud-with rolled ankles.  And I LOVE it.

So, I'm racing in 23 days and 10 hours (that's what the website tells me).  And I'm so very excited and I'm so glad that I can share this with you.


  1. Oh Willma!!! I'm so excited for you!!! that looks like an incredible RACE!! You should SO take your camera! :)

    and your things were covered in MOLD?!?!?! What happened!?!?!? that's AWFUL!!!

  2. Oh, Ann, Yeah, our HHGs arrived w/ lots o' mold. I've junked the couches, the mattresses and some more small stuff. I've washed or scrubbed with bleach about a million things. And now...I'm done. Oh, thank God. And I'm training ALL THE TIME for this race, but I'm so thankful that I can train. The race'll be awesome. James is coming, we're going to take 5 days to go there and come back. It'll be awesome.
